Hours: Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm, Saturday: 10am - 1pm • Address: 127 Oak Street West, Frederic, WI 54837

715-327-4979 | Monday-Friday 9am-5pm | Sat 9am-12pm library@fredericlibrary.org

About Us


The Frederic Public Library provides quality materials and services in a proficient manner for information, entertainment, intellectual development, and enrichment of the people of the community in a welcoming and courteous environment.

Amanda Blackmon, Director: director@fredericlibrary.org
Marlene Nelson, Assistant Director, Teen Services: nelson@fredericlibrary.org
Maria Potvin, Children’s Librarian: potvin@fredericlibrary.org
Jim Schott, Legendary Legend: jschott@fredericlibrary.org

Jillian Chell, President
David Ammend, Vice President
Donna Tietz, Secretary

Lynelle Laventure
Brad Harlander
Carrie Ayd
Christina White

Meetings are the first Monday of the month. Meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.

Call 715-327-4979 for more information.

The Frederic Public Library provides quality materials and services in a proficient manner for information, entertainment, intellectual development, and enrichment of the people of the community in a welcoming and courteous environment.

The general library goals of the Frederic Public Library shall be:

1. To serve all residents of Frederic and the surrounding community.

2. To acquire and make available to all residents: books, periodicals, audiovisual materials and other services to…

a) become well informed;
b) locate answers to questions;
c) cultivate the imagination and creative expression;
d) develop skills for career and
vocational advancement; and
e) enjoy leisure by means of reading and other media

3. To acquire the means to provide the most frequently requested material locally and upon demand.

4. To make these materials as conveniently available to the people of the community as the library budget will permit. The most current Wisconsin Public Library Standards, as adopted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Division for Libraries and Technology, shall be the goal toward which the library will strive.

5. To maintain a program of service which locates information, guides reading, organizes and interprets material for people of various backgrounds, and stimulates thinking and intellectual development in individuals of any age.

6. To seek to identify community needs, provide programs and services to meet such needs, and to collaborate with other organizations, agencies and institutions to provide programs of service to meet community needs.

7. To regularly review the goals of the Frederic Public Library and revise them as necessary.

8. To maintain an annual budget and continually seek to secure new and additional funding opportunities.